No Response from Superintendent
Q. I filed my NOI in early August and haven’t had a response yet from the superintendent’s office. Should I be concerned? A. There
Q. I filed my NOI in early August and haven’t had a response yet from the superintendent’s office. Should I be concerned? A. There
Q. If the superintendent decides the evaluation letter I sent is not acceptable, what might I expect to happen? Now that it is past
Q. Can Virginia homeschoolers use Coverdell Education Savings Accounts for homeschool expenses? A. Public, private, and homeschool families can use Coverdell Education Savings Accounts
Q. My teen’s college application asks if he has received a state-recognized high school diploma. How should I respond? A. Without directly saying “no,”
Q. I understand my teen and I must take a new 90-minute course in order for her to get a driver’s license. Where do
Q. How do I compute the percentile score for my child’s standardized achievement test? Is it an average or do some parts have more
Q. Do I need to send immunization records to the superintendent along with my Notice of Intent? A. According to §22.1-271.4 of the Virginia
Q. About how many hours of high school work equals one high school credit hour for a transcript? A. There are several acceptable ways
Q. The superintendent’s office has requested to see my tester’s credentials. Am I required to supply that information with the test results? A. No,
Q. If a high school student takes a summer course, where do I include that credit in the transcript? A. It is really up
Q. Does my 15-year-old homeschooler need a work permit before trying to find a summer job? What forms does he need and where does
Q. My child is very advanced. Can she skip a grade, and if so, should I notify the superintendent’s office? A. If your child