
Homebound vs. Homeschool

Q. What is the difference between “homeschooling” and “homebound instruction”?

A. Homeschooling means you, the parent, are responsible for the education of your child. You choose the subjects to be taught, based on your child’s age and ability. You choose the curriculum and methods of teaching, plan the schedule, and teach the subjects or facilitate the instruction. Homeschooling is independent, parent-directed, parent-funded education. You must comply with the homeschool law by filing a “Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction” with your local division superintendent and by submitting evidence of progress by August 1 the following year. You can find more information on our website and view other ways you can comply with the homeschool law.

Homebound instruction may take place if a public school student has missed more than 20 consecutive days of school due to a medical condition that is confirmed by his doctor. If the student is confined to his home or a medical facility, he may be taught by a Virginia-licensed teacher using the assignments and materials provided by the classroom teacher. Instruction is given during school hours, in the afternoon, or in the early evening. Because he is a public school student, SOL testing is required. Homebound instruction is temporary, and the student is expected to return to the public school classroom as soon as possible. You can find more details here.

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