Virginia Homeschool Days

Virginia Homeschool Days

Homeschool days are events around Virginia that welcome home educators on days specifically set aside for homeschooling families.

Be sure to check with the venue before heading out to any Homeschool Day or field trip.

Have a Homeschool Day you’d like to share? Submit it here!

Can’t make it to Homeschool Day? That’s okay! You can take a field trip any time. Visit our Virginia Is for Field Trips page for some favorite field trips by interest or by region.

Homeschool Days are special days set aside for homeschooling families to enjoy the venue at a discounted rate—and in the company of fellow homeschoolers. These events often include special programs geared to various age levels. Many Homeschool Days were initiated by HEAV, but the events have proven so popular that MANY museums and historical sites offer multiple days throughout the year.

Field trips, by contrast, can be taken ANY time that suits you and your family. Taking an impromptu field trip to culminate a chapter or unit study–or just to enjoy an on-site experience– are one of the many blessings of homeschooling!

Our advice is to always contact the designated venue for details, especially before heading out the day of the event.