Homeschooling in Virginia
Educando en el Hogar
¡Obtenga la información precisa que necesita para comenzar con éxito la educación en el hogar!
Aprende másHEAV Events in December-January
December 30 - January 2, 6, 7 Discover Homeschool
January 7 Convention Registration - Member-Only
January 14 Convention Registration – All
January 21 Graduation Registration Opens
January 21 & 22 Day at the Capitol
January 28 High School Mentor Begins
Educando en el Hogar
¡Obtenga la información precisa que necesita para comenzar con éxito la educación en el hogar!
Aprende másFree Resources
Just starting or well into your journey, you’ll find refreshing ideas and encouragement every week!
Become a Member
Join us to equip and encourage thousands of families—and protect homeschool freedom in Virginia!
¡Obtenga la información precisa que necesita para comenzar con éxito la educación en el hogar!

Homeschooling in Virginia by the Numbers
Commonwealth of Virginia
Virginia Homeschoolers
Assistance to Families
Phone Calls Fielded This Year
Virginia Homeschool
A Legacy of Freedom
For 40 years, HEAV has been there for Virginia homeschoolers like you. Today, we are free to teach our children as we see fit, but that has not always been the case. Discover how others have paved the way and expanded our homeschool options in Virginia. Through hard-won battles–and even threats of jail time, they have won the right of families to teach their children at home.