

District Watch featured

Lynchburg City, Virginia

8/31/23 HEAV has resolved the district requiring a child’s gender, race, Hispanic status, date of birth, and grade as well as the difficulty experienced

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District Watch featured

Madison County

HEAV reached out to Madison County regarding inaccurate requirements in a letter to parents and, after collaborating with the school board attorney, they have

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online homeschool test

Classic Learning Test

Do you have a student in grades 3 through 12?  Use CLT assessments to fulfill end-of-year homeschool testing requirements in Virginia. Classic Learning Test

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District Watch featured


The homeschool liaison inaccurately required “proof of registration in the new county” after a parent moved. She cited Virginia Department of Education policy §22.1-254.02.

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District Watch featured

Lynchburg City District

HEAV contacted the Lynchburg City district homeschool liaison by phone and the superintendent and assistant superintendent by email yesterday in response to several parents

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Unschooling blog Learning Styles

Unschooling: How It Works

by Cathrine Mireles If you homeschool—or maybe even if you don’t—you have probably heard the term “unschooling” at some point. Traditional homeschooling gives families

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S’more Summer Homeschool

Wrap up your summer homeschool with a delicious treat and some tasty experiments! Check out s’more summer homeschool with these s’mores-themed experiments and activities

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