District Watch featured


HEAV reached out to the homeschool liaison regarding information relating to the description of curriculum requirement, NOI option (iii), and compulsory attendance compliance options that were inconsistent with the law. HEAV is pleased to share that we have received a positive response, and we understand the information will be updated promptly.

HEAV would also like to share how pleased we are with the homeschool resources Spotsylvania provides to parents. In working intimately with 132 public school districts across the state, we find Spotsylvania to be an example of accuracy, thoroughness, and helpfulness. HEAV would like to thank Spotsylvania for the excellent work they are doing on behalf of the families they serve.

What You Should Know:

  • Regarding the description of curriculum requirement, the law states: “Any parent who elects to provide home instruction…shall…. provide a description of the curriculum, limited to a list of subjects to be studied during the coming year…”
  • Regarding NOI option (iii), the law states: “Any parent…may elect to provide home instruction…if he (iii) provides the child with a program of study or curriculum, which may be delivered through a correspondence course or distance learning program or in any other manner.”
  • The Virginia Department of Education provides the following guidance for option (iii):
    • “If the child is enrolled in a correspondence course or distance learning program, the parent must submit evidence of such enrollment and a list of the subjects to be studied for the coming year to the school division; however, no judgment of the materials is required of the school division superintendent.
    • If the teaching parent provides a program of study or curriculum that is delivered through any other manner, a list of the courses to be studied for the coming year must be submitted to the school division. Submission of these materials is for information purposes only.”
  • It is the parent’s responsibility to both learn what kind of program they are using and to file appropriately according to the law. HEAV provides general guidance to assist district personnel and parents in determining how they are complying with compulsory attendance (see resources below).
  • Resources: Law Flowchart, §22.1-254, §22.1-254.1, NOI Description of Curriculum, VDOE 2023 Home Instruction Handbook, Notifying Under Option (iii), Is It a Private School or a Homeschool Program?, Information For School Personnel, HEAV’s 2023 Letter to Superintendents

HEAV is always available should you ever have questions or need assistance. Please contact us anytime at 804-278-9200 or via our contact form.

Patricia Beahr
HEAV Assistant Director of Government Affairs

‌Read more about school district incidents here.

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