Classic Learning Test
Do you have a student in grades 3 through 12? Use CLT assessments to fulfill end-of-year homeschool testing requirements in Virginia. Classic Learning Test
Do you have a student in grades 3 through 12? Use CLT assessments to fulfill end-of-year homeschool testing requirements in Virginia. Classic Learning Test
Is choosing your curriculum, finding teaching materials, and accessing online homeschool resources overwhelming? You’re not alone. Finding reliable, comprehensive, and Christ-centered material from the
Skills Assessment & Consultation New from LearningRx! Are you still struggling to find the right curriculum? Switching curricula midstream, trying to find something that
Q. How can I find out if my standardized testing option complies with the law? A. There are hundreds of tests from which to choose,
Q. How do I know if a particular test complies with end-of-year testing requirements? A. I know testing can be intimidating and confusing, but
Evidence of Progress Q. I know evidence of progress is due by August 1 because I filed under the homeschool statute, but I really
Q. We’ll be moving out of state in June. Am I required to test and send a copy of the results to the superintendent?
Composite Score and List of Subjects Q. I have been told that I should teach and submit only what is required by the law
End of Year Test Evaluator Q. Can a homeschool evaluator be retired? The person I would like to evaluate my child is a retired
Q. Should I black out the test results for history and science on my child’s standardized achievement test before sending in the scores to
Q. Can the PSAT be used in place of a standardized achievement test for end-of-year homeschool testing in Virginia? What are the differences between
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5y0szQOh80 One mom moved to Virginia and submitted her Notice of Intent to homeschool. The superintendent responded that she needed to include her child’s