Q&A Questions and answers summer sunflower

Standardized Testing of Achievement

Q. How can I find out if my standardized testing option complies with the law?

A. There are hundreds of tests from which to choose, but they are not all equal. We know it can be confusing. HEAV has found that many test providers (companies) will say homeschoolers can use their tests. They are happy to sell a paper or online test to you, but that doesn’t mean they are familiar with the testing laws in each state.

Virginia law §22.1-254.1(C) requires the test to be a nationally normed standardized achievement test, and provide a composite score.

Homeschooling parents are responsible to know and comply with the law. The law does not require preapproval of a test by a superintendent. It is up to parents to make sure they submit the right type of test that provides the right information.

To help you, HEAV has compiled a list of tests from reputable test providers. These comply with the law and have been submitted to superintendents without difficulty. While this list is not exhaustive, you can be confident that these tests meet the Virginia requirements. If you prefer to use a test that is not listed, research the test online or contact the test provider to make sure it meets the two requirements above.


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