Homeschool Curricula
Homeschool Curriculum Resources
Choosing a curriculum is one of the most enjoyable—and daunting—tasks for homeschool parents. There are so many things to consider: a child’s learning style, the parent’s teaching style, and of course…the family’s lifestyle. What works for one family may not be ideal for another.
Fortunately, options abound, and you will find within these pages some of the best and most versatile options available, whether you’re looking for a full-spectrum curriculum or just one subject.
So How Do I Pick a Curriculum?
Check out “Curricula Concepts” to discover what kind of learner you have.
Check out articles about choosing curricula here.
New Curriculum Resources by Subject
Curriculum Resources Compiled by Laura Wilkerson
A self-described everyday mom, Laura and her husband have homeschooled their only child since preschool. Her passion is to support other families as they embark on their unique homeschooling adventure.
Laura is part of HEAV’s publications team and works tirelessly—fueled by many cups of coffee!—as social media manager. You can always find her on one of HEAV’s social media channels.