Library Access
Q. Are homeschoolers allowed to use public school libraries? A. I am not aware of laws that allow or prohibit the use of public
Q. Are homeschoolers allowed to use public school libraries? A. I am not aware of laws that allow or prohibit the use of public
Q. Is there a law that requires homeschooled students to make up missed SOL’s if they re-enrolled in public school? A. Public schools may—and
Q. My graduate plans to enroll in a community college. He has been told he will need a GED in order to receive student
Q. My teen would like to take the Japanese AP exam from the public school next year. They do not offer this course. Can
Notice of Intent with Questions Q. My superintendent sent a Notice of Intent with lots of additional questions. What should I do? A. Some
Q. What do I need to do to become certified as an homeschool evaluator for homeschool students? A. Special training or evaluator certification is
Dear Homeschooling Mom, When you were talking to your friends the other day at a homeschool get-together, I heard you say that there are
Q. Which testing level should I use to show educational progress—the one for the current year or the year my child will enter next
Q. I tested my son in October when we began homeschooling. Can I submit these test results or do I need to test him
Evaluate Your Own Child Q. Since I have a teaching license, can I evaluate my own child rather than use a standardized achievement test?
Q. If I file under the certified tutor statute, do I also need to provide a Notice of Intent? A. It depends on whether you
Q. How do I get a diploma when my teen is ready to graduate? We use a correspondence school, but I prefer a Virginia