
Evaluate Your Own Child

Q. Since I have a teaching license, can I evaluate my own child rather than use a standardized achievement test?

A. An end-of-year evaluation or assessment as described in §22.1-254.1(C) does not address the question of a parent evaluating his own child. It describes the means of evaluation: “an evaluation letter from a person licensed to teach in any state or a person with a master’s degree or higher in an academic discipline, having knowledge of the child’s academic progress…”

Whereas standardized achievement test is objective (no questions are asked when submitting a composite score in or above the 4th stanine), an evaluation letter is more subjective. With an evaluation letter, the law gives the superintendent more authority. It is the superintendent who can determine if a child is “achieving an adequate level of educational growth and progress.”

We have known of some superintendents who have not accepted an evaluation letter prepared by a child’s parent because of ethical concerns.

The superintendent or his designee may or may not accept an evaluation because he may be concerned that the evaluation is not objective.

Because the superintendent can exercise his discretion in accepting evaluations, a parent may want to look for an experienced evaluator who has submitted acceptable evaluation letters on behalf of parents or choose another form of evaluation.

A parent evaluation may be acceptable with some superintendents and not acceptable with others. Because of this, it may be good to contact your local superintendent or his designee before proceeding with an evaluation of your own child.

Yvonne Bunn
Director of Homeschool Support & Government Affairs

You may want to check out these other Q&As regarding homeschool evaluations:


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