
Category: Homeschool Q&A

Q&A questions and answers - topics mountains sun set sun rise

Teacher License Renewal

Q. I would like to begin homeschooling under the certified tutor provision, but my teaching license recently expired. Can I get an extension and

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Q&A Questions and answers fall bridge

Financial Aid

Q.Have federal financial-aid laws changed for college-bound homeschoolers? Do homeschoolers now have to get a GED to receive financial aid? A. The federal government

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Q&A Questions and answers fall bridge

Facing Criticism

Q. I’m overwhelmed with negative comments and criticism from a close family member who does not support our decision to homeschool. How should I

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Q&A Question and answers summer slide girl walking playground

Grade Placement

Q. How do I place my child at the correct grade level for the upcoming year? Can I use an achievement test? A. Correct

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