Religious Exemption Sample Letters
Q. Are there sample letters for pastors or friends to go with a religious exemption letter? A. The law does not require parents
Q. Are there sample letters for pastors or friends to go with a religious exemption letter? A. The law does not require parents
Q. Since my child had an IEP, is there anything extra I need to do when I file my Notice of Intent? A. Even
Q. What can I do if I miss the August 1 testing deadline? A. Although the deadline is very close, you still have a
Q. Who can evaluate my child in order to comply with Virginia homeschool law for proof of progress? A. The answer depends on the
Q. I have looked at the VA laws and can not find any clear word on whether it is legal or not to homeschool
Q. Do I still have to submit test scores if I’ve decided not to homeschool next year? A-The law does not give clear direction
Q. I’ll be submitting my diploma to fulfill the required proof of eligibility to homeschool. Since my diploma has my maiden name on it,
Testing for Language Arts and Math Only Q. Is there a test available that only has the language and math parts? I understand if
Q. Should I send in test scores if my child is enrolled in a private school for her core classes, and I homeschool her
Certified Tutor Teaching Time Q. If I hire a certified teacher to teach my child, what percentage of the day am I required to
Q. How many credits does a homeschooler need to graduate and get into college? A. There is no specific number of credits a homeschooler
Q. When filing a Notice of Intent, should I send it to the superintendent’s office or to the person listed on the school division’s