Q&A Questions and answers summer sunflower

Testing If No Longer Homeschooling

Q. Do I still have to submit test scores if I’ve decided not to homeschool next year?

A-The law does not give clear direction in this situation, but there are several things you may want to consider when making a decision about what to do.

First, if you signed a Notice of Intent form earlier in the year stating that you were aware that you must provide testing results, and you provide the results, you have fully complied with the law. Since you will NOT file a Notice of Intent for the coming year, your child’s file would be closed. If you ever decided to homeschool again—either this child or a sibling—no questions would be raised based on your compliance with the homeschool statute.

Another thought involves the purpose of testing. A test or evaluation is to show that progress is being made so you can continue homeschooling. Some parents choose to forgo the test if they know will not continue to homeschool. However, the superintendent will not know why you have failed to submit test results. Although it is not required by law, it may be good, as a courtesy, to inform the superintendent’s office that you will no longer be homeschooling. With this information, the superintendent should close your homeschool record.

A final consideration is that a standardized achievement test is well-accepted evidence of your child’s level of progress. The test results may help with grade placement in a private or public school. The test could be a valuable part of your student’s permanent record for that school year.

I wish every question had a clear-cut answer. This is one that you will need to decide.



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