Q&A Questions and answers seagull

Graduation Credits

Q. How many credits does a homeschooler need to graduate and get into college?

A. There is no specific number of credits a homeschooler must have to graduate. It is up to the parent to decide when the course of study for the student is completed. At that point, the parent will issue a completed transcript (a record of grades 9-12) and a parent-signed homeschool diploma. If you chose, you could use public school credit standards as a guide, but they are not required for homeschool students.

Colleges are accustomed to receiving different numbers of credits from school districts in multiple states. College admissions officers will be looking at the types of courses the student completed–easy or difficult, along with grades, extracurricular activities, and the student’s SAT or ACT scores.


The College Board announced changes to the SAT. Subject tests will be eliminated immediately for U.S. students, and the optional essay portion will end after the June 2021 testing sessions.

Requirements differ from state colleges to private colleges–some schools are more selective than others. You will find admission requirements on college websites. This could help you plan your high school program.

With regards,

Yvonne Bunn
Director of Homeschool Support & Legislative Affairs

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