Goochland County Concerns
Q. I’m very concerned about religious exemption in Goochland County. Do their school board policies affect me in my county? A. If you live
Q. I’m very concerned about religious exemption in Goochland County. Do their school board policies affect me in my county? A. If you live
Q. What can I expect to happen when I call my senator or delegate regarding a bill that affects homeschoolers? I want to call,
Q. For an evaluation, it says the child must show progress. Since my special needs child is behind in several subjects, will that affect
Q. If I decide to transfer my high school student into public school, will they accept his homeschool credits? A. Based on Virginia law,
Q. I understand the CAT-5 survey test is being phased out. Is there another test that covers only what the law requires? A. The
Q. Can I get a copy of my child’s public school records? I am not sure what my legal rights are. A. Yes, you
Q. Can homeschool students participate in Boys State? A. Until recently, homeschooled students could not participate in Boys State, but through the hard work
Homeschool Curriculum Q. Can K12 be used as a homeschooling curriculum? A. K12 curriculum can be used in one of two ways: 1) as
Q. Where do I register my high school student for the PSAT? A. A Homeschooler must register for the PSAT at the local public
Q. Is it too late to begin homeschooling now? A. No, it’s not too late to begin homeschooling. Parents may begin homeschooling after the
Parenting a Special-Needs Preschooler Q. May I remove my preschooler with special needs from school and educate him at home? Are there additional requirements?
Q. I would like to seek a religious exemption for my three-year-old preschooler since, as a parent, I have been teaching him from birth.