Questions and answers winter swing snow

Boys State

Q. Can homeschool students participate in Boys State?

A. Until recently, homeschooled students could not participate in Boys State, but through the hard work of interested homeschool parents, they now have the opportunity to be elected to Boys State. Qualified students who have completed the 11th grade may apply. Official requirements for homeschoolers can be found on the American Legion Virginia Boys State website.

According to the rules and regulations of Boys State, you will need to provide a transcript of your student’s academic record that must include completion of all the same subjects listed for public high school juniors. You may need to provide a verification letter from your superintendent that you have complied with the homeschool law; however, it is important that the post commander understand that the superintendent has no statutory authority to review or verify your student’s course of study. It is the parent’s responsibility to determine the course of study, give the grades and credits, and document the information on an official homeschool transcript. The rules permit homeschool parents to personally present their student’s transcript to the local post commander or adjutant.

Homeschooling parents must initiate contact with the American Legion Post, learn the dates and deadlines for the application process, provide the required information, and schedule the required interviews. You can obtain contact information for individual Legionnaires by calling the American Legion Headquarters in Richmond at 804-353-6606.

Wishing you the best,


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