

Q&A questions and answers - topics mountains sun set sun rise

Legal Guardian

Q. If we have legal custody of a family member, can we homeschool the child? A. If you are the legal guardian of a child, you may

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Q&A Questions and answers fall bridge

Keep Schoolwork

Q: How long are you required to keep your child’s schoolwork? A: The Virginia homeschool law does NOT require you to keep school work

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Q&A Questions and answers summer sunflower

Verified Credits

Verified Credits Q. Are “verified credits” necessary (or recommended for college entrance) for a homeschool high school transcript. Would dual-enrollment courses in a community college

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Q&A Questions and answers seagull

Testing History

Q. How do I know what type of history my child should be reviewing for the end-of-year test? A. Homeschool students are NOT required

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Questions and answers winter swing snow

Practice Achievement Tests

Q. I’m concerned about my child’s performance on a standardized achievement test. Can you recommend a practice test? A. Testing jitters are contagious this

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Q&A Questions and answers fall bridge

Physical Ed Requirements

Q. What are the physical education requirements for homeschoolers, and how do homeschoolers meet them? A. Although the Virginia law (§22.1-200) requires that specific

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Q&A Questions and answers fall bridge

GED vs. Diploma

Q. Should my child take the GED exams? A. Although a GED credential can be earned by a homeschool graduate, HEAV does not recommend

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