Q&A Question and answers summer slide girl walking playground

Attending Prom

Q. This is our first year homeschooling, and our eldest son has been told he cannot attend public school events like the prom. Is there a law that allows homeschoolers to participate?

A. There is no law that requires a public school to allow a homeschooler to participate in public school extracurricular activities. The law allows each school board to decide if homeschoolers in their district can participate in specific academic courses as part-time students, but it does not include extracurricular activities. The school board sets policy for local schools to implement.

You could ask to see the school’s policy; it should be in writing. If he is attending an event with a student from the school, he may be able to attend as a guest. If they allow students from other schools to attend, but not homeschoolers, then that could be considered discrimination. A student who is not enrolled in the school, and plans to go to an event alone, may not be permitted because of security issues.

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