Testing If Child Is 18
Q. If my child turns 18 this year, do I need to I notify the superintendent? And will we be required by law to
Q. If my child turns 18 this year, do I need to I notify the superintendent? And will we be required by law to
Q. For an evaluation, it says the child must show progress. Since my special needs child is behind in several subjects, will that affect
Q. I understand the CAT-5 survey test is being phased out. Is there another test that covers only what the law requires? A. The
Q. Where do I register my high school student for the PSAT? A. A Homeschooler must register for the PSAT at the local public
Q. What can I do if I miss the August 1 testing deadline? A. Although the deadline is very close, you still have a
Q. Who can evaluate my child in order to comply with Virginia homeschool law for proof of progress? A. The answer depends on the
Q. Do I still have to submit test scores if I’ve decided not to homeschool next year? A-The law does not give clear direction
Testing for Language Arts and Math Only Q. Is there a test available that only has the language and math parts? I understand if
Q. Should I send in test scores if my child is enrolled in a private school for her core classes, and I homeschool her
Q. What is the latest I should test? I want to make sure we finish all the material before testing. A. I would suggest
Q. What’s the difference between the SAT® and ACT® tests for college entrance? A. Both the SAT® (Scholastic Aptitude Test) exam and the ACT®
Q. If I begin homeschooling in January, will I be required to test and send in the results by August 1? A. Yes, if