When To Test
When To Test Q. When should I schedule a test for end-of-year progress? A. If you decide to use a standardized achievement test, the
When To Test Q. When should I schedule a test for end-of-year progress? A. If you decide to use a standardized achievement test, the
Q. We homeschooled last year but didn’t test because my teen wanted to go to public school this year. After eight weeks, I took
Test Scores Lost or Late Q. What happens if a parent fails to send in test scores or sends them in late? A. If
Q. Is there a law that requires homeschooled students to make up missed SOL’s if they re-enrolled in public school? A. Public schools may—and
Q. My teen would like to take the Japanese AP exam from the public school next year. They do not offer this course. Can
Q. What do I need to do to become certified as an homeschool evaluator for homeschool students? A. Special training or evaluator certification is
Testing a Kindergartener Q. I recently received a letter from my county superintendent saying my kindergartener must be tested. I didn’t think I needed
Q. Which testing level should I use to show educational progress—the one for the current year or the year my child will enter next
Q.What should be included in an evaluation letter? A. An evaluation letter should be written on letterhead with contact information and signed with the
Q. I tested my son in October when we began homeschooling. Can I submit these test results or do I need to test him
Evaluate Your Own Child Q. Since I have a teaching license, can I evaluate my own child rather than use a standardized achievement test?
Q. Our son is working below grade level on some subjects, though he tested fine on the end-of-year, grade-level test. After I submitted his