
NOI Denied Without Test Scores

Q. We homeschooled last year but didn’t test because my teen wanted to go to public school this year. After eight weeks, I took him out and filed a NOI to begin homeschooling, but the superintendent denied my NOI because I didn’t provide test scores. What can I do?

A. I understand your dilemma. Although you initially enrolled your teen in public school, he has not been enrolled long enough to complete a full semester. Because you homeschooled last year, and you want to homeschool again this year, you will need to supply test results from last year. According to §22.1-254.1(C), you will need to provide the results of an assessment showing educational progress in order to homeschool again.

You may want to make a personal appeal to the superintendent or his designee in order to explain the circumstances. Explain what led up to your recent NOI submission. Respectfully ask if he will allow you to test now and provide the scores as soon as you receive them. Although a superintendent has the authority to deny a NOI if a parent has not provided test scores, I have also known many superintendents to work with parents. The superintendent can recognize the parent wants to do the right thing. Don’t be discouraged—make an appeal that offers a solution that meets both your needs!

Best Regards,

Yvonne Bunn
HEAV Director of Homeschool Support and Government Affairs

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