Testing If in Private School
Q. Should I send in test scores if my child is enrolled in a private school for her core classes, and I homeschool her
Q. Should I send in test scores if my child is enrolled in a private school for her core classes, and I homeschool her
Certified Tutor Teaching Time Q. If I hire a certified teacher to teach my child, what percentage of the day am I required to
Q. When filing a Notice of Intent, should I send it to the superintendent’s office or to the person listed on the school division’s
Q. If I begin homeschooling in January, will I be required to test and send in the results by August 1? A. Yes, if
Q. I have a young first-grader with a short attention span. Can you suggest a test that is acceptable to my school district? A.
Q. Our religious exemption has been recognized by our school board, but now we plan to move to another city in Virginia. Do we
Q. In my district, some school board members are on the ballot. Is voting for local school board members important for homeschoolers since we
Q. Can Virginia homeschoolers use Coverdell Education Savings Accounts for homeschool expenses? A. Public, private, and homeschool families can use Coverdell Education Savings Accounts
Q. My teen’s college application asks if he has received a state-recognized high school diploma. How should I respond? A. Without directly saying “no,”
Q. Do I need to send immunization records to the superintendent along with my Notice of Intent? A. According to §22.1-271.4 of the Virginia
Q. What parts of a standardized achievement test should my child take in order to satisfy the testing requirement? A. The law requires a
Q. Can I evaluate my child’s portfolio and send the evaluation letter to the superintendent? A. A portfolio is not mentioned in the homeschool