Public School Testing
Q. I have a child who needs help with reading comprehension. Can I have him tested through the public schools? A. Public schools will
Q. I have a child who needs help with reading comprehension. Can I have him tested through the public schools? A. Public schools will
Q: A friend told me that testing must be done by a certified teacher. Does it have to be a Virginia certified teacher? A:
Q: On a high school transcript, should I indicate that my special-needs teen took a special type of achievement test or should I list
Q. How do I place my child at the correct grade level for the upcoming year? Can I use an achievement test? A. Correct
Q. If my child takes two classes at a Christian school, should I include this information in the Notice of Intent or just in the
Q. I’m in a panic! My student has been testing low and scored below the 23rd percentile on one section of a standardized test.
Q. What are stanines, percentiles, and grade equivalent scores? A. STANINE SCORES Stanine is short for standard nine. A stanine score ranges from a low of
Q. How do I know what type of history my child should be reviewing for the end-of-year test? A. Homeschool students are NOT required
Q. I’m concerned about my child’s performance on a standardized achievement test. Can you recommend a practice test? A. Testing jitters are contagious this
Q. What are the physical education requirements for homeschoolers, and how do homeschoolers meet them? A. Although the Virginia law (§22.1-200) requires that specific
Q. I received a letter from my school district offering testing in April for my homeschooler. Is this a good option? What are my
Q. What are the Standards of Learning (SOL) requirements for homeschoolers? A. A homeschool curriculum does not have to comply with the Virginia Standards