

District Watch featured

Washington County

Families received a form letter that included district requirements and requests inconsistent with the evidence of progress and deadline requirements found in the law.

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District Watch featured

Caroline County

Some parents received a letter, dated June 15, 2023, that stated, “At this time our records show that you have not submitted the evidence

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District Watch featured

Mathews County

HEAV has addressed concerns regarding district correspondence that identified a notice of intent as a “request” that must be “approved.” We are pleased to

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Q&A Questions and answers summer sunflower

Homeschool ID Cards

Homeschool ID Cards Q.  Why do I need an HEAV member card when I can buy a homeschool identification card for a few dollars—or

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District Watch featured

Wise County

A parent who had complied with the homeschool law received an unexpected home visit from two truancy officers, and we understand there are 14

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District Watch featured

Fairfax County

A parent correctly submitted documentation to be recognized as a Virginia Certified Tutor under compulsory attendance law, §22.1-254(A); however, Fairfax incorrectly processed the parent’s

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