Sign Language College Credit
Q. Is sign language accepted by colleges for a foreign language for Virginia homeschoolers? A. American Sign Language (ASL) is accepted by ALL public
Q. Is sign language accepted by colleges for a foreign language for Virginia homeschoolers? A. American Sign Language (ASL) is accepted by ALL public
Q. Can the PSAT be used in place of a standardized achievement test for end-of-year homeschool testing in Virginia? What are the differences between Just what needs to go into a homeschool transcript? Do I need to keep special records for Virginia homeschooling? Get answer to these
Q. Some homeschool co-ops offer credits for courses. Should I give my children credits for the classes I teach them at home? A. A credit
Q. If a homeschool student takes dual enrollment classes at a community college, could this impact freshman scholarship opportunities? A. According to Lee Andes,
Q. Where can I find information about what my child should be learning at his grade level? I’m concerned that he might not be
Q. Is there a law that requires homeschooled students to make up missed SOL’s if they re-enrolled in public school? A. Public schools may—and
Q. My graduate plans to enroll in a community college. He has been told he will need a GED in order to receive student
Q. My teen would like to take the Japanese AP exam from the public school next year. They do not offer this course. Can
Q. How do I get a diploma when my teen is ready to graduate? We use a correspondence school, but I prefer a Virginia
Q. If my child turns 18 this year, do I need to I notify the superintendent? And will we be required by law to
Q. For an evaluation, it says the child must show progress. Since my special needs child is behind in several subjects, will that affect