
Tag: testing

Questions and answers winter swing snow

Testing Virginia Homeschoolers This weekly Q&A Live session with Yvonne Bunn answers your questions about what is required by law for end-of-year testing for Virginia homeschoolers,

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Q&A questions and answers - topics mountains sun set sun rise

Testing Accommodations

Accomodating Struggling Learners Q. Can I use testing accommodations for my child who is a struggling reader? A. Unless your child has a documented

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Q&A Questions and answers summer sunflower

Graduating Early

Q. Is it possible to graduate my 16-year-old Virginia homeschooled teen early since she has completed all her high school work, including several dual-enrollment

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Questions and answers winter swing snow

Sharing Information

Q. Although we provided test results and then notified that we were moving to another county, our previous superintendent has requested a copy of

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