Testing Virginia Homeschoolers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F4a6WTjk5A This weekly Q&A Live session with Yvonne Bunn answers your questions about what is required by law for end-of-year testing for Virginia homeschoolers,
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_F4a6WTjk5A This weekly Q&A Live session with Yvonne Bunn answers your questions about what is required by law for end-of-year testing for Virginia homeschoolers,
Accomodating Struggling Learners Q. Can I use testing accommodations for my child who is a struggling reader? A. Unless your child has a documented
A. I received a letter that I have been put on probation! I hand-delivered my Notice of Intent and test scores at the same
Q. I moved from out of state and filed a Notice of Intent for the first time. The superintendent’s office replied that I needed
Q. Is it possible to graduate my 16-year-old Virginia homeschooled teen early since she has completed all her high school work, including several dual-enrollment
Q. Although we provided test results and then notified that we were moving to another county, our previous superintendent has requested a copy of
Q. My daughter did not do well in a private school last year. I’m having her tutored this summer to catch up, but I
Testing with a Local School Q. When I filed my Notice of Intent, the school district offered to test my child in the spring
Q. When testing, do you administer all or part of the standardized achievement test? A. The Virginia homeschool statute, § 22.1-254.1 (C), requires a
Q. My two elementary-age children did not do well in math, so I put them back one grade level in math when we began
Q. Must my child take the history and science portions of a standardized achievement test when he takes the test at a public school?
Q. I have a child who is struggling to learn. I may need to have him tested, but I don’t know where to begin.