Q&A Questions and answers seagull

Testing Before Homeschooling

Q. I moved from out of state and filed a Notice of Intent for the first time. The superintendent’s office replied that I needed to send in test scores before they could accept my NOI. Is this correct?

A. No, this is not correct. Either test scores or an evaluation letter must be submitted AFTER the student has been homeschooled. A parent should first file a NOI, homeschool the student during the school year, and then provide the results of a standardized achievement test or an evaluation.

The letter may have been sent by a new person who is not familiar with the homeschool law. A phone call or note explaining that you are a new resident and a new homeschool family should clear up the matter. If it is not resolved immediately, please contact HEAV at 804-278-9200. I will be glad to contact the superintendent’s office to make sure they have a copy of the law and understand what is required.

Best regards,
Yvonne Bunn

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