When Life Broadsides Your Homeschool
By Vicki Bentley, www.everydayhomemaking.com You had a wonderful plan this fall for a well-rounded education, envisioning academic excellence and character development in your smiling, well-adjusted
By Vicki Bentley, www.everydayhomemaking.com You had a wonderful plan this fall for a well-rounded education, envisioning academic excellence and character development in your smiling, well-adjusted
Q. Do I have to send my diploma each year with my Notice of Intent since the superintendent should have it on file from
Q. I have a homeschool diploma signed by my parents. Can I use it for option (i) to homeschool my own children, or does
Q. I’m in a panic! My student has been testing low and scored below the 23rd percentile on one section of a standardized test.
Q. As a certified tutor, am I required to send in standardized test scores? A. It depends on how you have complied with the
Q. If we have legal custody of a family member, can we homeschool the child? A. If you are the legal guardian of a child, you may
Q: How long are you required to keep your child’s schoolwork? A: The Virginia homeschool law does NOT require you to keep school work
Curriculum Description Form Incorrect Q. I received a letter from my superintendent with what he termed the “new forms.” One includes a place to
Q. What are stanines, percentiles, and grade equivalent scores? A. STANINE SCORES Stanine is short for standard nine. A stanine score ranges from a low of
Verified Credits Q. Are “verified credits” necessary (or recommended for college entrance) for a homeschool high school transcript. Would dual-enrollment courses in a community college
Q. As a military family with a five-year-old, can we homeschool in another country? Do we have to test before deploying, and is there
Academic Progress Q. I understand if my kindergartner was not six last September 30, I don’t have to have him tested, but do I