Traveling Homeschoolers Compliance
How to File as a Traveling Homeschooler Q: Our homeschool family travels a lot. How do we comply with the homeschool law? A: Traveling Homeschoolers
How to File as a Traveling Homeschooler Q: Our homeschool family travels a lot. How do we comply with the homeschool law? A: Traveling Homeschoolers
Q. I received a call saying they were waiting for the superintendent’s “approval” of my NOI, or Notice of Intent. I thought I didn’t need
Do Virginia homeschoolers need to include their child’s birth date on their notice of intent to homeschool? Some school officials request a child’s date
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5y0szQOh80 One mom moved to Virginia and submitted her Notice of Intent to homeschool. The superintendent responded that she needed to include her child’s
Q. After submitting my out-of-state homeschool diploma for the first option on the Notice of Intent, the superintendent’s office replied that I must have
Q. Although we provided test results and then notified that we were moving to another county, our previous superintendent has requested a copy of
Testing with a Local School Q. When I filed my Notice of Intent, the school district offered to test my child in the spring
Q. When testing, do you administer all or part of the standardized achievement test? A. The Virginia homeschool statute, § 22.1-254.1 (C), requires a
Q. Can I begin homeschooling now? A. Yes, you can begin homeschooling after the school year has begun! You may begin after the August
Q. How can I homeschool since I do not have a high school diploma, but a GED? A. Regrettably, a GED is not accepted
Q. We homeschooled last year but didn’t test because my teen wanted to go to public school this year. After eight weeks, I took
Q. Although we provided test results and then notified that we were moving to another county, our previous superintendent has requested a copy of