- Day at the State Fair
- Day at the Capitol
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- Homeschool Days
Before Sherri Seligson was promoted to the position of “mother,” she worked as a marine biologist at Walt Disney World’s Living Seas pavilion in EPCOT Center, where she was involved in collecting and maintaining coral reef animals, especially focusing on fish nutrition and marine predator care. During this time, she completed research on shark behavior and was the first individual representing Walt Disney World to publish scientific research. With an M.Ed., Sherri is an accomplished author of several science curricula for Apologia Educational Ministries, including full-course instructional videos where she takes students all over the world to explore science concepts in an engaging way. Other books include Internships for High School Credit, a devotional called Nature Truths, and Wonders of the Ocean Realm, her newest book.
She is a regular contributor to homeschool publications and newsletters and has written for marine-related magazines such as Tropical Fish Hobbyist and Aquarium Honnyist. Residing in Orlando, Florida, Sherri and her husband, David, homeschooled their four children from kindergarten through high school for 21 years. All four have graduated and entered college with scholarships. One child has a doctorate in pharmacogenomics (cancer research), one is director in research and development for a nationwide plant nursery, another is an Air Force flight surgeon with an additional master’s degree in biomechanical engineering, and the fourth has a master’s in counseling. As she has seen with her own children, Sherri realizes that even within the same family, every child’s educational needs are different, and it is a new adventure tailoring their educational and career pathways. An international conference and retreat speaker, Sherri has a motivated heart for teaching families the importance of studying God’s creation and equipping them to give an answer for their faith, along with a desire to encourage moms on their homeschool journey.
“Freedomship” and Entrepreneurial Education