
Kevin McEvoy

Featured Speaker

Having studied at the oldest active atelier, Charles Cecil Studios, in Florence, Italy for several years, and as the founder and director of a large atelier in New York, Kevin McEvoy has taught the classical art methods of drawing and painting for the past 12 years to students of all ages and abilities. Between drawing and painting, art history lectures, teaching studio classes, and offering international education via his unique, online art programming classicalartathome, Kevin enjoys spending time sailing with his wife and 4 children in their hometown of Islip, and tending to their seventeen chickens.

Kevin McEvoy


How to Incorporate Art into Homeschooling

Move beyond crafts and teach your child a tangible skill they can use throughout their life! Give your kids the gift of a visual language by teaching them how to draw. Learning to see—and learning to draw what you imagine—are skills useful to innovators of all types, not just fine artists. Learn the practical tools for implementing this into your day without getting overwhelmed with yet another checkbox on your to-do list.

Participate in a Culture of Beauty and Creation with Classical Art

God created us in His image by also giving us the ability to create. Including the arts in your homeschool curriculum will give you the satisfaction of seeing your kids thrive as they pursue this natural desire God has given us. Once your children develop this skill, they can then learn not just how to draw, but how to see in a new and beautiful way to appreciate the art and beauty around us, and then how to share their art with others. In this workshop, we will discuss why the arts should be a priority in your child’s education rather than an afterthought.