
Dr. Kathy Koch

Keynote Speaker

Dr. Kathy Koch (“cook”) has spoken to thousands of parents, teachers, and children in over 25 countries. Kirk Cameron chose her as an expert in two recent documentaries and she is also a popular guest on Focus on the Family radio and other radio talk shows and podcasts. She also has her own; search for Celebrate Kids wherever you listen to podcasts.

She is the author of seven books published by Moody. Dr. Kathy earned a Ph.D. in reading and educational psychology from Purdue University. She has loved Jesus for years and her faith and desire to serve and glorify God is the foundation of her ministry.

Dr. Kathy Koch

Book Dr. Kathy Koch
Dr. Kathy Koch

Book Signing Opportunity

Friday 11:30-Noon Ballroom Lobby

Dr. Kathy will happily be available to sign your copy of her book during the book signing event. Please come by during this special event!

Dr. Kathy's Newest Published Resource!

Parent Differently–Raise Kids With Biblical Character that Changes Culture

In her newest publication, Dr. Kathy shares her invaluable resource for shepherding our children in godly character. What is character? How do you affect and shape character as a family? Does character really matter in our world?

This wisdom is a pivotal resource to shepherding our children’s lives, hearts, and character in Christ. God is always at work in all of our lives. Let us equip our children with the “God-given designs and callings.”


Friday 8:30 a.m. – 10 a.m. Ballroom B-21

Identity: Who Do Your Children Think They Are and Why Does It Matter?

Many teens are overwhelmed and giving up. So are some children! They’re anxious, confused, angry—and too many are suicidal. They’re also talented, multi-passionate, concerned, and able to solve problems. Learn why we have an identity crisis in our country and how you can protect your children from it. Learn what makes it more likely that children will have a healthy identity and what identities matter most.

Download workshop pdf handout here.


Friday Session 1 ~ 10:45 – 11:30 B-21

Master Method: Teach Jesus’ Way

You want to be the best teacher you possibly can be. Studying how Jesus taught will help. He was the best teacher! Learn something new about teaching and learning. This fresh look at effective teaching will inspire you.

Download workshop pdf handout here.

Friday Session 3 ~ 3 p.m. -3:45 p.m. B-21

Teach These Truths; Children May Not Catch Them

People say more is caught than taught, but maybe that’s because we’re not teaching everything we could. And not all children pick up on things you assume they do just by living with you. What can we teach and model that will help children especially maintain their faith and spiritual disciplines?

Saturday Session 4 ~ 10:45 – 11:30 a.m. E-10

Mordecai: A Model for Mentoring

Because of Queen Esther’s courageous and obedient decisions, the Jewish people were saved. She was able to lead the way she did because of how her older cousin Mordecai raised her. Today’s young people need a Mordecai in their lives because they were created “for such a time as this.” And, they need to learn to follow as Esther followed Mordecai. Let’s discover Mordecai’s and Esther’s methods so we can effectively use them.

Saturday Session 6 ~ 3 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. E-10

Raise Resilient Kids Who Embrace Life with Confidence

Learning about resiliency’s many benefits will inspire you to let your children struggle so they can learn from their experiences. You’ll discover how to support and instruct them without overprotecting or rescuing them. Learn how to walk that fine line, the best ways to help children handle disappointments when things don’t go their way, and how to encourage them when they give up. Dr. Kathy’s practical techniques work!

Download workshop pdf handout here.