
Karim Morato

Featured Speaker

Karim Morato is a bilingual consultant and the Hispanic outreach coordinator at HSLDA. She is passionate about supporting leaders and Hispanic parents in their homeschool journey. Karim and her husband homeschool their three children; two are in college, and the third one is ready to start high school. She is a certified Spanish teacher with 25 years of teaching experience; 16 years were in public schools. With her master’s degree in curriculum and online learning from George Mason University, Karim has developed her own Spanish curriculum to help homeschool parents educate bilingual children. She is the founder of Spanish Educational Solutions.

Karim Morato es asesora educativa bilingüe y coordinadora de alcance hispano de HSLDA; a ella le apasiona apoyar a líderes y padres hispanos en su recorrido por la educación en casa. Karim y su esposo, Franz, educaron a sus tres hijos en el hogar. Dos de ellos ya están en la universidad y la tercera está lista para empezar la escuela secundaria. Karim es una maestra certificada de español con más de 25 años de experiencia en la enseñanza (16 de los cuales enseñó en escuelas públicas). Con su maestría en currículo y aprendizaje en línea de George Mason University, Karim fundó Spanish Educational Solutions, un programa en español que apoya a padres educadores a educar a niños bilingües en casa.


Starting Your Homeschool Journey

Comenzando su viaje de educación en el hogar

The decision to homeschool can be overwhelming. In this workshop, we’ll explore the key concerns of many parents when considering homeschooling: how to get started, choosing a curriculum, and understanding different learning styles and teaching methodologies. You will walk away equipped with strategies to transform your home and positively impact your children’s education.

Bilingual Education for Hispanic Families

Educating bilingual children and preserving their heritage can be challenging for Hispanic homeschool families. It’s a reality that second-generation individuals may lose their parents’ spoken language. Learn how to create a bilingual environment at home so your children can be immersed in two cultures and enjoy the benefits of speaking two languages. We will explore educational and multicultural strategies, resources, and more.