Q&A Questions and answers seagull

Moving Districts and Homeschooling

Q. What must I do when I move from one district to another while homeschooling in Virginia?

A. Moving districts while you are actively homeschooling need not be complicated.

When you homeschool and plan to move from one district to another district within Virginia, the law requires you to inform the division superintendent in your new locale “as soon as practicable” that you are in his district and will begin homeschooling.

Some parents are prepared to complete and file a new Notice of Intent with documentation immediately. However, you may not be ready to file your NOI.

In that case, you may choose to inform your superintendent by either calling their office, sending an email, or mailing a brief letter. From this notification date, the law provides a 30-day window to comply with the homeschool statute by sending a notice of intent along with the required documentation.

Although it is not required by law, as a courtesy, you may let the superintendent of your previous Virginia school district know that you have moved out of his district. They will no longer expect yearly evidence of progress.

Note: If you use a private school, a certified tutor, or are religiously exempt from compulsory attendance, as noted in 22.1-254, no action is required on your part when you move to a new district.

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