organization - Gearing up for the homeschool space year

Organization & Homeschool Space: Gearing Up for the Year

Believe it or not, summer has flown by, and it’s time to get excited about starting a new homeschool year! Whether you’re a veteran homeschooler or just beginning, organizing and re-evaluating your homeschool space is an important part of your planning. Take a look at this Homeschool Living for some handy tips, inspiring ideas, and fun tricks for setting up, organizing, and really using your homeschool space.

Specific Homeschool Space Organization

If you dream of a beautifully organized homeschool room, but have no extra room to put it in, it might be difficult to resign yourself to utilizing smaller spaces throughout your home. But the truth is, learning can take place any time, anywhere. Isn’t that one of the reasons you’re homeschooling? Here are some essential tips for creating organized, usable, and most of all, liveable spaces that fit into your home and your life and learning styles.

Organization is vital to a homeschool space, especially a small one. These creative homeschool storage solutions are great ways to take care and keep track of extra supplies, those tricky spiral-bound books, flash cards, electronics and accessories, and more!

The Unoriginal Mom provides essential tips for creating an organizational system that works for your family without overwhelming it.

This cute command center idea from Creating Mary’s Home is designed for kids and can be tailored to fit any age range.

It’s easy to fixate on the “perfect” organizational system, reject workable spaces and pieces because they don’t match the “ideal” homeschool room, or become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of ideas out there. This blog post from Passionate Curiosity tackles six common mistakes people make when creating a homeschool space and offers advice on how to fix them.

One of the most important parts of making plans and setting goals is to honestly evaluate your and your family’s needs and make a realistic and sincere attempt to meet them. Use these tips for setting–and meeting!–goals for yourself and for your homeschool.

This blog post from How Wee Learn talks about setting goals throughout the year versus making overwhelming new year’s resolutions and how to teach kids to set and achieve goals.

Planning and organizing are vital skills for even young children to learn. Use these simple and engaging activities from Learning Works for Kids to help develop your kids planning skills.

Check out HEAV’s (Not) Back-to-school Survival Kit for a wealth of information to help you jump start or restart your homeschool journey. 

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