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Homeschool Hour and Day Requirements

Q. Are homeschool hours and days requirements the same as those followed by public schools? 

A. The compulsory attendance laws in §22.1-254 (A) say in part that parents and guardians must have their child(ren) attend a public school or a private, denominational, or parochial school, taught by a tutor, or homeschooled according to the homeschool statute in §22.1-254.1. It says this should happen “…during the period of each year the public schools are in session and for the same number of days and hours per day as public schools.” It is clear that days and hours apply to a school setting such as a “public school or private, denominational, or parochial school.” But it is not clear that days and hours also apply to certified tutors and homeschools.

Homeschool Hours and Days Policy

However, the homeschool law is clear. The requirements for parents who want to homeschool are found in §22.1-254.1 entitled “Declaration of policy; requirements for home instruction of children.” In this section of the Virginia Code, there is no mention of a requirement for parents to provide a record of homeschool hours and days of instruction.

The requirements do not include a way for homeschoolers to submit days and hours information. It also does not provide a date when it should be submitted. Neither does it indicate a person to whom it should be submitted. Nothing regarding days and hours is mentioned or required in the homeschool law.

With these facts in mind, you should be able to create a homeschool schedule that is reasonable and fits your family’s needs.

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2023-2024 Homeschool Planner e-book

HEAV’s Homeschool Planner is a printable, 143-page tool is your tool for creating a year-long homeschool plan.  Map out a year that is sustainable and fun for your family! Learn more!

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