Q&A Questions and answers guineas pigs

Forgot the Notice of Intent Deadline

Q. Oh, no! What should I do if I forgot to send in my Notice of Intent by the August 15th deadline?

A. If you’ve homeschooled previously and the deadline slipped up on you this year, I suggest you call the superintendent or his designee immediately and acknowledge your mistake. Apologize and tell him you will hand-deliver your NOI as soon as possible.

It’s important to make every effort to resolve this quickly. The law is very clear that notification is required no later than August 15 each year.  Along with your NOI, you should provide a description of curriculum for each child and evidence of having met one of the criteria for home instruction as indicated in §22.1-254.1(B).

If you have more questions about your description of curriculum or your Notice of Intent, be sure to check our Virginia law page or the homeschool Q&A archive.

Best regards,

Yvonne, HEAV Director of Government Affairs

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