Exploring our state: cardinals birds

Exploring Our State: The Cardinal

Take some time this winter to explore facets of our state that you may have forgotten about or not yet discovered. Take one of our symbols, our state bird, and use it for the foundation of a bright, fun, cardinal unit study. Check out this Homeschool Living for some great study resources for kids, hands-on activities and crafts, and nature study ideas.

Our Stately Cardinal

Check out A-Z Animals to discover our state bird, the northern cardinal. Follow its life-cycle and explore its habits, and discover the best places to see the birds throughout our state–likely in your own backyard!

This northern cardinal lapbook from Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool+ features a wide variety of crafts and hands-on activities for young students. You’ll also find additional study resources and recommended activities.

Eva from Kid Minds shares this sweet Audubon-inspired bird study and cardinal drawing tutorial–a great way to introduce some drawing basics to your children. The lessons in observation and patient study, as well as the drawing basics, can be integrated into a lesson for students of any age.

This cardinal suncatcher craft is a great hands-on activity for a cold winter day. Simple supplies and instructions make this an easy craft to pull together. You can always substitute ironed wax paper or clear packing tape for the contact paper if necessary. These birds will look so bright and cheery in your window through the winter!

For more backyard birding ideas and activities, check out this Homeschool Living.

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