Dr. Daniel Huerta

Featured Speaker

Dr. Huerta oversees Focus on the Family’s initiatives that equip mothers and fathers with biblical principles and counsel for raising healthy, resilient children rooted in a thriving faith. Dr. Huerta is a bilingual psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, and author of 7 Traits of Effective Parenting. For many years, he has provided families with practical, biblically based, and research-based parenting advice on topics ranging from media discernment, discipline, and communication, to mental health issues, conflict

Dr. Daniel Huerta speaker

Dr. Daniel Huerta

Focus on The Family

resolution, and healthy sexuality in the home. He is passionate about coming alongside parents as they raise contributors instead of consumers in a culture desperately in need of God’s kingdom. He has been interviewed by various media outlets including Fox News, Fatherly, Christianity Today, WORLD Magazine, The Christian Post, and CBN, and he regularly speaks on Christian radio stations across the United States. He’s also written for publications, including The Washington Post, on various topics related to marriage and parenting. He participated in the development of Focus on the Family’s Launch Into the Teen Years, a resource to help parents prepare their kids for adolescence, and he is a regular speaker at various retreats, conventions, family camps, and online events globally. Dr. Huerta has maintained a private practice in Colorado Springs since 2003 and has served families through Focus on the Family since 2004. He and his wife, Heather, love the outdoors, have been married since1997, and love being parents to their two teen kids, Alex and Lexi.


“Freedomship” and Entrepreneurial Education