
Donavyn & Lyric Lewis

Featured Speakers

Donavyn and Lyric Lewis have been married for 12 years and are homeschooling parents of three amazing sons, ages 8, 5, and 2. In 2014, they became leaders of their church’s marriage ministry and currently serve as the local directors of FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember Team. They have been serving with the Williamsburg Weekend to Remember Team for seven years. Donavyn and Lyric have a passion for sharing God’s design for marriage and believe in the value of investing in marriage; early, often, and intentionally. In their free time, they love trying out local restaurants and exploring the city of Richmond with their sons.

Donavyn & Lyric Lewis


The Best Lesson: The Gift of a Strong Marriage ~ Josiah & Alissa Coburn and Donavyn & Lyric Lewis

Homeschool life is busy, full, and challenging. It can be tempting to prioritize everything but your marriage. What a grave mistake! In this fun but challenging session, we’ll help you discover why modeling a strong marriage is the best gift you can give your children—and how to get there.

Art of Marriage ~ Josiah & Alissa Coburn and Donavyn & Lyric Lewis

Inspired by the global impact the classic Art of Marriage has had on millions of marriages, the all-new Art of Marriage is masterfully designed to inspire and equip today’s couples, whether newly married, blended families, seasoned, or empty nesters. The content is creatively presented as videos, spoken word poetry, animations, group discussion questions, date night challenges, his and her devotionals, and so much more. Join us as we demonstrate the six aspects of God’s powerful and perfect love can be understood and applied immediately. Couples in every circumstance will feel understood and equipped by biblical wisdom and authentic stories from wise marriage mentors.