Homeschool Special Needs Conference

Especially Designed for Parents of Struggling Learners

Special Needs Conference

For Children Who Need Extra Help

If you have a child who has–or you suspect may have–a learning disability or special need, come to the convention for support, resources, and information provided by homeschool parents who have walked this path! 

The convention is held June 5 to 7, 2025, at the Greater Richmond Convention Center.

Do you have a struggling learner?

Come to the Special Needs Conference – Only at the Convention

THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2025, 10 A.M. TO 5 P.M.  
Keynote Room E-10
Workshops in Ballroom

If you are homeschooling a child with a special need or learning difference—or who just struggles to “get it”–you are not alone! The Special Needs Conference is an all-day seminar with its own keynote, three separate breakout sessions, a resource fair, and more.

Check back soon for more information!

The conference is included with your paid full-convention registration.

If you choose, you may register for the Special Needs Conference only to attend all the workshops on this page and have access to Exhibit Hall Premier from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Thursday.

Special Needs Conference ~

Keynote Session Room E-10 ~ 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Parenting with Grace in Mind: Brain-Based, Heart-Focused Strategies for Raising Kids with Special Needs
Homeschooling sometimes creates conflict and tension between you and your child. And that puts stress on you! In this workshop, cognitive psychologist and Christian counselor Dr. Amy Moore will share ways that homeschooling parents can transform the relationship with their child through a grace-based approach to parenting that honors God, honors parents, and honors kids. You will leave with new strategies for solving common behavior challenges, communicating more effectively, building relational equity with your children, and recognizing that all change starts with us.

Workshops ~ Ballroom - Noon to 1 p.m.

Fostering Social-Emotional Development in the Early Years ~ Dr. Rochelle Matthews-Somerville 
Practical ways to nurture emotional regulation, empathy, and social skills through homeschool activities and everyday interactions.

The Sensory-Balanced Mom ~ Sarah Collins
As homeschool parents, we constantly prioritize our children’s well-being, including their sensory needs. We often wonder about the factors influencing their ability to sit and focus, their clothing preferences, and their food choices. However, it’s crucial to recognize that our own sensory needs play a significant role in shaping theirs. In this insightful seminar, we will explore all eight sensory systems and then provide practical tips and strategies to enhance our own sensory regulation, creating a positive trickle-down effect on our kids. Together, we’ll learn how to foster a nurturing environment that supports sensory growth and overall well-being for all. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to empower yourself as a homeschool parent and boost your child’s sensory development!

Adapting the Playbook for Special Needs Students ~ Gretchen Roe
“Special needs” has become a catch-all term for children who don’t fit the “norms.” But what should you do when your child doesn’t learn like other children? Join Gretchen Roe for some practical advice on how to modify goals and expectations and then adapt your curriculum to help your atypical learner succeed. Don’t move the goal. Modify the play.

High School for Maximum Independence in Adulthood ~ Stephanie Buckwalter
If your child is way behind grade level, you may wonder, “What will we do after graduation?” No need to panic. You can focus on those skills that will lead to maximum independence in adulthood, whether that’s independent on their own or independent at home.

Workshops ~ Ballroom - 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Reading & Spelling: When One Doesn’t Lead to the Other ~ Gretchen Roe
Does your child ace Friday’s test and then spell the same words wrong the following week? What if they have no spelling skills at all? Why does reading comprehension not lead to spelling proficiency? Come learn how neuroscience teaches us to join the paths of reading and spelling and create one seamless, literate journey, and why traditional spelling methods often are frustrating and less than successful.

Embracing Risky Play in Homeschooling: Fostering Growth and Confidence ~ Sarah Collins
As homeschool parents, providing a well-rounded education for our children often means stepping outside the box. This workshop will delve into the concept of risky play—a crucial, yet often misunderstood, aspect of childhood development. Research divides risky play into eight different forms, all involving activities that allow children to experience a healthy amount of risk and challenge. These activities help children build confidence, resilience, and problem-solving skills, all of which are essential for their overall growth. Led by an occupational therapist, former recreational therapist, and fellow homeschool mom, this session will define risky play, provide tips and tricks to ease our parental struggle, and ways to adapt risky play with respect to each child’s unique abilities and limitations.

Taming the Fire: Managing Big Emotions in ADHD ~ Dr. Amy Moore
From sad to mad and everything in between, kids with ADHD have big emotions! In fact, emotions in kids with ADHD are usually more intense, more frequent, and longer lasting than emotions in kids without ADHD. In this workshop, cognitive psychologist Dr. Amy Moore will reveal why kids with ADHD have such big emotions. Then, using neuroscience and a little humor, she will share some ways to lower the temperature on outbursts, anger, anxiety, and rejection sensitive dysphoria. You will leave with seven brain-based, heart-focused strategies for parenting a child with big emotions.

Taming the Fire: Hope for the Weary ~ Stephanie Buckwalter
God has a purpose for each person, no matter their level of ability or disability. When you focus your homeschooling on shaping your child’s character and talents to fulfill the three circles of purpose (based on Genesis chapter 2), every day can be a win—even if academics are a struggle. Come, be refreshed and know that your homeschooling efforts are not in vain.

Workshops ~ Ballroom - 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Math Made Accessible: Teaching Kids with Learning Differences ~ Nicole Thomas
Unlock the potential of every student! This workshop provides practical strategies and tools designed to support diverse learning needs, ensuring that math is understandable and enjoyable for all. Join us to learn how to adapt your teaching methods and create an inclusive environment where every child can thrive in math.

What Are Executive Functioning Skills? ~ Sarah Collins
What is this function you speak of? Executive functioning skills are defined as the “brain-based skills needed to effectively execute or perform tasks and solve problems.” As with most skills, there is a range; not everyone needs to complete the same tasks on a daily basis. But, there must be a match between the environment, expectations, and abilities of a person.
This class will 1) define executive functional skills, 2) explain why they can be hard for some people, and 3) give helpful solutions to use the homeschool to help your children build these skills.

Embrace Your Child’s Strengths: Let Go of Comparisons ~ Rachel Anderson
Raising a child with learning differences presents unique challenges, but it also offers an incredible opportunity to recognize and nurture exceptional strengths. In this workshop, you will learn how to shift the focus from your child’s limitations and societal pressures and focus on understanding your child’s potential. We will explore ways to let go of unnecessary expectations and uncover your child’s authentic strengths, learning styles, and interests, creating a more positive, supportive learning environment.

Defining Scope and Sequence for the Special Needs Child ~ Stephanie Buckwalter
When teaching a neurotypical child, you can often just use the curriculum’s table of contents for your scope and sequence. But what happens when your child moves slower than that—even much slower? You have to set your own scope and sequence. This is the key to a successful school year, one where you don’t give up months—or even weeks—into the school year.

Special Needs Conference Workshops

Parenting with Grace in Mind: Brain-Based, Heart-Focused Strategies for Raising Kids with Special Needs
Homeschooling sometimes creates conflict and tension between you and your child. And that puts stress on you! In this workshop, cognitive psychologist and Christian counselor Dr. Amy Moore will share ways that homeschooling parents can transform the relationship with their child through a grace-based approach to parenting that honors God, honors parents, and honors kids. You will leave with new strategies for solving common behavior challenges, communicating more effectively, building relational equity with your children, and recognizing that all change starts with us.

Room TBD

Overwhelmed by the size of the convention? Or maybe it’s your first time. Look for the “Welcome Tours” sign in the hallway outside the conference area, and meet up with our Welcome mentors. We’ll give you a tour of the convention center, recommend places to begin, and answer your questions about the convention and homeschooling! You can also stop by the HEAV Tables for answers to any homeschooling or convention question!

(just outside the How-to-Begin-Homeschooling workshops and  Special-Needs Conference)

Ballroom/Exhibit Building

11 a.m. E-10/B-16
1 p.m. E-10/E-21
3 p.m. E-10/E-21

*Spanish tour guides available E-10.

*Guías turísticos españoles disponibles E-10.

  • Struggling Learners in High School & College~ Hal and Melanie Young, B-15A
  • Hacking ADHD: 5 Things Influencing Your Child’s Behavior & Learning ~ Dr. Amy Moore, B-15B
  • Raising a Special Needs Child and Finding Support for the Journey ~ Steve Demme, B-15C
  • Living Label Free in a World Full of Labels ~ Aimee Eucce, B-17
  • Learning Challenges in Math? Challenge NO MORE!~ Kathleen Cotter Clayton, B-15A
  • Grace-Based Teaching: A Neuroscience-Based Approach to Improving Interactions with Our Kids ~ Dr. Amy Moore, B-15B
  • Homeschooling Your Struggling Learner with Confidence ~ Peggy Ployhar, B-15C
  • The Sensory Balanced Homeschool ~ Sarah Collins, B-17
  • Reading Strategies for the Struggling or Nonreader~ Andrew Pudewa, B-15A
  • IEP to Homeschool Success: YES You Can Homeschool Your Special Needs Kids~  ~ Candice Dugger, B-15B
  • Flipping Special Education Homeschooling ~ Peggy Ployhar, B-15C
  • What Are Executive Functioning Skills? ~ Sarah Collins, B-17

Special Needs Resource Fair Exhibitors

Check back soon to see the exhibitors in the special needs resource fair!

Thank You to Our Special Needs Sponsor!

LearningRx is dedicated to finding the root cause of learning and processing difficulties. Then, they work one-on-one with the student using research-based, fun, challenging mental exercises to target and strengthen identified deficits.

Already registered for the convention?  

 Request to add an event to your registration here.

Questions? Call the HEAV office, Monday through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 804-278-9200.

Convention Sponsors

Many, many thanks to our convention sponsors!

They have invested heavily in homeschool families—in YOU—to help keep our convention prices as low as possible and support homeschooling in Virginia. Please join us in thanking them for their generosity!