
Candice Dugger

Featured Speaker

Candice is the founder of Bullied Broken Redeemed, and a nationally recognized anti-bullying expert, author, speaker and trainer. Candice and her team specialize in equipping leaders, parents, and youth on all aspects of Gen Z bullying. These life-changing programs use interactive activities and projects to motivate and empower effective anti-bullying warriors. Candice has been featured on NBC, Christian Broadcasting Network, and Family Research Council, and she is a recognized trainer for Fortune 100 companies. She is regularly featured as a keynote speaker for national and international conferences. Along with her work as an anti-bullying thought leader, she specializes in helping families transition from public or private school to homeschool when a family is in crisis. Her popular “Coming Home” series has helped parents all over the world find hope and healing while using homeschooling as a foundation for the journey.

Candice Dugger


Thursday 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. E-11 A/B

Entrepreneurship and Transcripts: Turning Dreams and Practical Skills into High School Credit

Do you have a child who learns better outside the textbooks? Let’s look at ways you can encourage their passion for entrepreneurship and give them credit on their transcripts. You may be surprised at how much your children can learn from focusing on one thing they love!

Special Needs Conference

Thursday 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. B-15 B

IEP to Homeschool Success: You Can Homeschool Your Special Needs Kids

As a mom of two special needs children, I was so worried I would not have what it takes to homeschool my kids. Dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADHD, and even autism are labels that had me convinced I would not have what it takes to provide a great education at home for my boys. During this workshop, we will discuss the benefits and struggles of homeschooling our unique learners. You will also learn resources to help you make this journey a bigger success than you could imagine.

Friday Session 1 ~ 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. E-21 A

The Truth about Mental Health in Our Youth Today

It’s no secret that mental health concerns are on the rise. Currently, one in three high schoolers say they have been struggling with their mental health. Our family has been impacted directly by this crisis in our youth and has made it a mission to help others. We will discuss mental health concerns facing Gen Z, along with tools to help you identify the risks and signs. Finally, we will share tools on how to help your child build skills and resources to help balance their mental health.

Friday Session 2 ~ 1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. E-11 A

Working and Homeschooling: How Do I Make This Work?

You CAN work and homeschool your children—but this lifestyle does present a series of challenges. I’m here to encourage you by giving you some real-life tips and tools on how our family can make this lifestyle work.

Friday Session 3 ~ 3 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. B-15 A

Public School to Homeschool: What I Wish I Had Known

Transitioning to homeschooling can be an exciting yet intimidating journey for many families. The truth for many families is that knowing your laws and picking a curriculum are only small parts of what you need to know to be successful as a family. In this workshop, we will have a real conversation about what it takes to make those first few years a success.

Saturday Session 4 ~ 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. B-15 C

Empowering Teens: A Conversation ~ Paul Hastings, Candice Dugger, Hal & Melanie Young, Mike Schutt, and Anne Miller

With a wealth of experience and wisdom joined together in one room, Paul Hastings leads the conversation with Candice Dugger, Hal and Melanie Young, Mike Schutt, and Anne Miller on what it looks like to navigate the teen years. You’ll discover how to guide your teens to adulthood with confidence while fostering healthy relationships! From tackling challenges to crafting worldviews to simple tips and tricks, this workshop is full of valuable perspectives for families with teens.

Saturday Session 5 ~ 1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. E-21 A

Entrepreneurship as Part of Your Homeschool Journey

Over 60% of kids want to start a business—that means that you probably have a child who fits in that statistic—so why not include entrepreneurship as part of your homeschool journey? Launching and running a business can teach a child so many life skills, including planning, setting goals, measuring progress, keeping commitments, responsibility, dealing with disappointment, negotiating, relationships, and more! This workshop walks you through the process of including entrepreneurship as part of your homeschool experience, rather than as just one more thing to do.

Special-Needs Conference 

Specially Designed for Parents of Struggling Learners
Homeschooling a child with a special need or learning difference—or who just struggles to “get it?” You are not alone! This year’s Thursday special needs conference is an all-day event that includes Dr. Amy Moore’s keynote, three separate breakout events, a resource fair, and Exhibit Hall shopping on Thursday evening. 

The conference is included in your full-convention registration, or you may register for the special-needs conference only.