
Abraham Hamilton III

Featured Speaker

Abraham Hamilton III (Abe) is a husband, father of six wonderful children, homeschool dad, lawyer, Bible teacher and national radio and television talk show host. 

He serves as American Family Association’s General Counsel and host of “The Hamilton Corner” which airs on the American Family Radio Network. He also hosts “The Hamilton Corner” television program on the National Religious Broadcasters Television Network. He has an undergraduate degree in New Testament Biblical Literature and a Juris Doctor degree. 

Abe is a Home School Legal Defense Association board member and is licensed to practice law in Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi.

Abraham Hamilton III


Thursday 4 p.m. – 5 p.m. E-11 A/B

Fortified for Launch

God describes children as arrows placed into the quiver of a mighty warrior. That simile is employed intentionally to describe the reality that the arrows were deposited ultimately to be launched. In order for the arrows to hit the designated target, they must be skillfully provided with trajectory and direction. Unfortunately, in many instances arrows have been subsumed into the prevalent surrounding culture, resulting in their failing to hit the mark. An indispensable ingredient to precision launching is passionate cultivation in, and adherence to, peculiarity.

Friday Session 1 ~ 10:45 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. B-15 B

Broadcast: The Hamilton Corner

Friday Noon – 1 p.m. E-21 B

Broadcast: The Hamilton Corner

Friday Session 2 ~ 1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. E-21 B/C

A Conversation on Freedom ~ Paul Hastings, William Federer, Jim Ryun & Abraham Hamilton III

Three freedom-loving professionals will engage in a lively discussion–with differing opinions–on our national and homeschooling freedoms. Join Jim Ryun, a former Olympian and U.S. congressman; Abraham Hamilton III, general counsel & public policy analyst for the American Family Association; and William Federer, prolific best-selling author of American history and president of Amerisearch, will offer their insights. Be prepared for a fascinating conversation on how to love our neighbors through differences of opinions and gain tools to understand our personal roles in defending our freedoms from both obvious and subtle attacks.

Pastor Reception & Workshop

Abraham Hamilton III and Steve Demme

Friday Session 3 ~  * Please note this starts early at 2:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. E-20

Discipleship Includes Training of The Mind

Jesus said Christ-followers are to love Him with all of our hearts, souls, and minds. Unfortunately, we’ve ceded the training of the mind to those who inculcate ideas that rival love for Christ for far too long. That must end now. Thankfully, God has shown us how to do so in His Word. Join us as we delve into it in this workshop.

Saturday Session 5 ~ 1:30 p.m. – 2:15 p.m. B-15 A

Maranatha! A Whole Cry

“Maranatha!” The word means “our Lord come.” Exclaiming it can be an appropriate expression of enduring and transcendent hope… or it can be something else. The Lord’s desire is for our cries of “Maranatha” to be made with eternal expectation that guides our engagement in the here and now. Thankfully, we haven’t been left to figure it out on our own. God’s holy Word gives us poignant instruction as to how our cries of “Maranatha” can be whole.

Discipleship Includes Training the Mind

Jesus said Christ-followers are to love Him with all of our hearts, souls, and minds. Unfortunately, we’ve ceded the training of the mind to those who inculcate ideas that rival love for Christ for far too long. That must end now. Thankfully, God has shown us how to do so in His Word. Join us as we delve into it in this workshop.