Chess Championships

Friday at the Convention

2025 Virginia Homeschool Chess Championships

Friday, June 6, 2025

Whether you’re an experienced chess player or just beginning, you won’t want to miss this fun morning of chess at HEAV’s 2025 Convention! Any homeschooled student in grade 12 or below who is registered for the convention can participate.

Held annually at the Virginia Homeschool Convention, this year’s event will again be presented by Virginia Chess Federation.

Students must be pre-registered for the HEAV convention, but will register for the chess tournament at the Virginia Chess Federation website.

Any homeschooled child in grades Pre-K through 12 (ages 19 and under) who lives in Virginia may participate.

There will be sections for “Rookies” (US Chess membership not required) and Rated players (US Chess membership required).  Children must be able to play a complete game of chess/know all the basic rules in order to enter. Graduating seniors who have reached the age of 19 and not yet started college (dual enrollment is ok) are eligible to play.

This is a four-round chess tournament using the “Swiss” pairing format. This is not an elimination event.  Each player will have 25 minutes to complete all of their moves, with a 3 second grace period during which time the clock does not start counting down. (4SS; G/25; d3). For our seasoned players, note that this event is Quick rated only, due to the noisy playing conditions on the Exhibit Hall floor.  Notation is not required, and this event will not impact your Regular rating.  Winners of the event in each age group will earn the title of 2025 Virginia State Homeschool Chess Champion.

Sections: Ages 11 and under Rated and Rookie; Ages 12-19 Rated and Rookie. Age as of June 7, 2025.

NOTE: If you plan to enter a rated section, you will need current US Chess membership.  Join or renew online here: Join US Chess | US You will need your ID number for registration in any rated section.



There will be two champions in each age category (Rated and Rookie): Ages 9 -11 and Ages 8 and Under.
Trophies will also be awarded to the next four overall finishers and the next two 8 and Under finishers, for a total of 8 trophies per section.


A similar trophy structure will be followed for middle school students and high school students. Final trophy distribution will be determined and announced after all registrations have been received.

Any player below trophy standings who finishes with at least 2 points will receive a medal.  All remaining players will receive a ribbon.

Rounds will take place on Friday morning beginning at 9:30 AM.  The second round will begin as soon as everyone is finished with Round 1.  

You may request “byes” as part of the registration process if you can only make one day of the tournament.  We highly recommend players participate in the entire tournament in order to compete for the champion titles!  

Please check in between 9-9:15 AM at the Virginia Chess Federation booth on Friday.


Entry Fee:  $25 by June 2; late and onsite entry $30




When registering online, you will receive a receipt as confirmation that Championship Chess has received your payment. If registering and paying via check and mail, you will receive an email confirmation. Your child will also be listed on the website. (Click “Register/Tournament/Participants.”)

We need your phone number and email address so that we can contact you in an emergency or in case there is a problem with your registration. We will not release this information to any outside person or agency for any reason whatsoever.

No! This is not an elimination tournament. All players can and should play at least four or more games within the three-hour time frame.

Depending on numbers of students of different ages, there will be at least two, probably three, separate age-level groups. An elementary student would be in a different section than a high school student. However, the top students in each group might have a playoff for the overall tournament champion.

Players should know how the pieces move, including the details associated with castling, checking the King, promoting a pawn, and capturing “en passant.” Players should be able to recognize an illegal move, as well as checkmate and stalemate.

Championship Chess reserves the right to disqualify from further participation any student who clearly does not know the basic rules of the game. For example, we will disqualify someone who clearly doesn’t know how a knight moves, or what is meant by “checkmate.” No refunds of any kind will be given to any player so disqualified. So, please be certain that your child can play an entire game correctly according to the rules of chess before signing up for this tournament.

A player gets one point for every game won, half a point for every game drawn, and zero points for every game lost. A player’s point total for the tournament is found by adding that player’s points. Thus, a player who wins one game, draws two games, and loses one game will end up with two points for the tournament (1 + .5 + .5 + 0 = 2).

Any player who cannot commit to staying for the entire time will most likely not be able to win a trophy. Any player not completing at least four games will not be eligible for a trophy. In past tournaments, many of our players have played as many as seven games in the time allotted.

Individual awards will be given out for first through third places in each section. All-star trophies are given to players who show excellence in their section. All players will receive a key chain piece for participation.

The awards ceremony will begin as soon as possible after the last game is completed which should be around 12:30 p.m. It usually takes about 15 minutes to get the lists together and get set up for the ceremony, and another 10 minutes or so to distribute the awards, take pictures, etc. Everything should be completed by or before 1p.m.

In general, we will attempt to pair players with equal scores when possible, and also to equalize color allocations. This is a “rapid pairing chess” tournament, which means that each child plays a game, comes to the tournament director when finished, and will be paired up with another player as soon as one with similar scores has finished his or her game. Because of the need to match players with similar scores, there may be some wait time for players between games.

In general, yes, we will be. Exceptions: Neither the rules for scorekeeping (taking notation) nor timing and use of a clock will be enforced.

One rule in particular that will be enforced is the “touch move/touch capture” rule. This means that if a player touches one of that player’s own pieces in a manner that can reasonably be interpreted as the beginning of a move, then the player will be required to move that piece, if that piece has a legal move. If a player touches an opponent’s piece in a like manner, then the player will be required to capture that piece, if there is a legal way to do so. Note that an accidental touching of a piece, such as brushing it with a shirtsleeve when reaching for another piece, does not constitute a violation of this rule.

Another important rule that will be enforced: Players must not make any remarks or show facial expressions concerning any other game and must focus specifically on only their own game.

While by and large we will be going by USCF rules, we will try to avoid becoming too technical with these rules, and enforcement of other USCF rules will be on a case-by-case basis.

In the event that you become ill after registering and cannot attend, you should notify us as
soon as possible by phone (804-921-2410) or email If we are notified in advance that you won’t be participating, we will refund your entry fee. No re-funds will be given in cases where we are not notified in advance that you will not be coming.

In the event that you decide to leave the tournament early, please notify a tournament director before leaving and return your pairing card. Breaks for use of restroom do not require that you inform the tournament director

Scorekeeping (chess notation) will not be required, and we will not be furnishing score sheets, pens or pencils. Players may elect to keep score if they so choose, but they will need to bring their own scorekeeping equipment and must be able to notate their games without slowing down the play.

Clocks may be required.

If you have a problem or a question about anything during the game, you should raise your hand to summon a tournament director. This cannot be stressed too strongly. Do not take your opponent’s word for anything. Your opponent does not necessarily know the rules any more than you do. The tournament directors are here to answer questions and to solve problems, so please don’t hesitate to get them involved. Once a game is over and both players have agreed to a result, then that result is going to stand, and it is too late for the tournament directors to do anything.

There is a cap of 60 players. Online registration will be cut off after that number has been reached. Check at the tournament site to see if space has become available due to others having withdrawn.

Download the complete rule sheet and practice up!

More information on chess is available at

For questions regarding the championship, please contact or call 804-921-2410.

If you have questions about the HEAV convention or convention registration, please contact HEAV at or 8010-278-9200.