District Watch featured

Warren County 3/7/25

HEAV contacted the district regarding several concerns identified on the district’s Notice of Intent (NOI) form and acknowledgment letter. The district’s NOI form required parents to provide their child’s date of birth, grade level, last school attended, phone number, and email address. The acknowledgment letter miscommunicated the home instruction law as it relates to the evidence of progress options provided to parents and the six-year-old exemption.

In response to our concerns, HEAV is pleased to share that Warren’s administrative assistant to the assistant superintendent for administration advised they are in the process of updating their communications and forms to ensure they are consistent with the law.

HEAV is thankful to Warren County for this positive resolution, its commitment to the Virginia Code, and its dedication to homeschool families.

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  • What You Should Know:

    Requirements beyond a child’s name, address, and age as of September 30 of the school year are inconsistent with the law as determined by the Virginia Supreme Court.

  • If a public school district wishes to obtain information outside that prescribed by the law from parents of private schooled, tutored, or homeschool children, it is appropriate to indicate the request as “Optional.”

  • Homeschool evidence of progress is not required when the individual is under the age of six as of September 30 of the school year.

  • Parents may choose from several options to show evidence of progress, including a nationally normed, standardized achievement test or an evaluation or assessment that the division superintendent determines to indicate that the child is achieving an adequate level of educational growth and progress. Please see HEAV’s Law Flowchart in the Resources section below.

  • Portfolios are not included as options to show evidence of progress in the law. Parents may, however, provide a portfolio to a qualified evaluator. The evaluator reviews the portfolio and provides a statement to the superintendent indicating their determination that an adequate level of educational growth and progress has been achieved.

HEAV is always available should you ever have questions or need assistance. Please contact us anytime at 804-278-9200 or via our contact form.

‌Read more about school district incidents here.

Patricia Beahr
HEAV Director of Government Relations

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