Virginia Department of Education
Statistics and Standards of Learning
The Growth of Virginia Homeschooling
School divisions report the number of students who have obtained an excuse from school attendance by reason of bona fide religious training or belief as well as the number of students whose parents have filed under the Virginia Homeschool Statute.
Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- School divisions report the number of students who have obtained an excuse from school attendance by reason of bona fide religious training or belief as well as the number of students whose parents have notified the division superintendent – by August 15 – of their intention to provide home
- 2024-2025 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2023-2024 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2022-2023 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2021-2022 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2020-2021 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2019-2020 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2018-2019 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2017-2018 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2016-2017 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2015-2016 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2014-2015 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2013-2014 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2012-2013 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2011-2012 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2010-2011 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2009-2010 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
- 2008-2009 Virginia Homeschool Statistics
Homeschoolers and the Virginia Standards of Learning
A homeschool curriculum does not have to comply with the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs), and homeschoolers are not required to take SOL tests. In fact, they are prohibited from taking them because they lead to a public school diploma. Most homeschool students will receive a parent-generated diploma. If homeschoolers were required to take the SOL tests, these standards would drive each homeschool family’s curriculum. This means that homeschool parents would be compelled to teach the same subjects, with the same content, at the same time they are taught in public schools. Teaching would be focused on the objectives of the SOLs, instead of on individualized instruction, the foundation of successful homeschooling. Although reviewing the SOLs may be useful to homeschooling parents interested in knowing the curriculum content of government school subjects, homeschoolers are not required to use them. The SOLs can be found here: Virginia Standards of Learning
NOTE: If a student transfers to a public school, he may be required to take one or more SOL tests for placement or high school credit transfer. Transfer policies differ in each school district.