Common Core

We are on the verge of a major shift in education.

Common Core Standards Initiative

We are on the verge of a major shift in education. New federal education standards, known as the Common Core Standards Initiative, will impact every child—including homeschoolers. Find out why you should be concerned about this new federal initiative. The following two-part article originally ran in The Virginia Home Educator Magazine.

Nationalized Education: The Common Core

The Common Core is a  power grab by the federal government that removes decision making from states, local school boards, and ultimately from parents. It’s about controlling the agenda, and the agenda is more than reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Common Core: Changes are Coming

Although homeschoolers are not part of the public-education system, we cannot escape the far-reaching effects of the Common Core. These national educational standards are on track to influence the education of fifty million K-12 students in America—including homeschool and private-school students—unless something changes quickly.

Common Core FAQs

Articles & Information