Essential Learning Objectives

Proper Assessment Provides a Strong Beginning

Reviewed by Yvonne Bunn, HEAV’s Director of Homeschool Support

Note: The reviewer was given this product to review as part of an affiliate relationship with this company. A portion of your purchase will go to support the work of HEAV.

Are you considering home education, but you’re not sure where to begin with curriculum? Or are you taking your child out of school because he’s struggling academically, and you don’t know what level curriculum to purchase? Perhaps your child is advanced in one subject, but you think he may be behind in another subject–how can you find out?

If you want to know where to start with the basic-skill subjects, Essential Learning Objectives Quick Assessment can give you the information you need to start homeschooling at your child’s level of success. The ELO (Essential Learning Objectives) Quick Assessment is an evaluation tool designed to show what your child knows for each grade level.

Parents can administer this easy-to-use assessment tool for grades 1-8 that measures precise learning outcomes and delivers accurate, understandable results at home. It includes a student book, teacher book with answer keys, and evaluation summary forms for quick feedback. Cost is $14/e-book or $27/hard copy.

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