Spread the Word

Share events, inspiration, and resources to support homeschoolers

Help Get the Word Out!

The annual convention is a life-changing event…and a treasure trove of information, help, and inspiration for homeschooling parents, whether they are new or just beginning.

Did You Know?

Most people tell us they came to the convention because a friend invited them. Be that friend!

Just snag some text below that fits your purpose (we call it “swipe copy”) and share on your social media pages, homeschool groups, and emails. There’s even a full-page flyer you can download and print out!

Click here for some more easy ways to share.

Share Graphics, Logo, and More

Choose the graphic you like, download the image, and add to your web page or post. Be sure to link back to our 41st Annual HEAV Convention at https://heav.org/convention!

Convention Logo

2024 convention logo WITHOUT "THERE IS"

Convention Signature

Add our convention signature to your email signature–an easy and effortless way to let people know about the convention!

Signature Insertion Instructions

In G-mail:

  1. Click on “settings” in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. On the “General” tab, scroll halfway down till you see the “signature” window.
  3. In the center of the toolbar above it, you’ll see an “insert image” icon.
  4. Click on that, then use this URL for the graphic
  5. You should see the signature immediately.
  6. You may need to resize it. “Large” works well.
  7. If resizing manually, be sure to hold the shift key down when resizing so the image doesn’t distort.
  8. You can also insert your name, phone number, or any other text.
  9. Save changes.

In Outlook:

  1. Save the attached graphic to your desktop.
  2. In Outlook, click on Tool>Options
  3. Choose the “Mail Format” tab
  4. Click on the “Signature” button (towards the bottom)
  5. Create a new signature.
  6. Click on the “picture” icon on the right.
  7. Insert the signature from your desktop.
  8. Save changes

Convention Flyer

Just click the image below to download it! If you’d like us to send you printed copies, please contact us at communications@heav.org and tell us how many you need!

Full Page Download (8.5 x 11)

Coming soon!

Square (7.5 x 7)

Coming soon!

Share with Friends

Here are some easy ways to share about the convention:

  • Post on to your local community calendar, newspaper, and web communities
  • Chat up the convention with your online community.
  • Add a signature to your e-mail messages with a link to the convention page.
  • Place announcements in your local support group newsletters and on your blog.
  • Hand out magazines. (We’ll send you as many as you want.)
  • Put magazines or flyers in your libraries, local bookstores, churches, grocery stores, doctors’ offices, etc.
  • Call your local radio stations–especially the ones you listen to, to see about PSAs, interviews–ANYTHING they can do to help get the word out. Interviews with speakers prior to convention may be arranged; please contact publicity@heav.org for details.
  • Ask your pastor to make an announcement about the convention.
  • Have an idea we haven’t mentioned? Please let us know! We are always looking for great ideas.


Here are descriptions for posting on websites, blogs, Yahoo groups, e-mails, or other outlets. Please choose whichever description best fits your outlet. More resources are being added all the time, so be sure to check back regularly. Coming soon!
First-Time Parents of Just Preschoolers – 100 Words

Thinking of homeschooling your preschooler? Discover the freedom you have to educate your child at home! Come to the 41st Annual Virginia Homeschool Convention at the Greater Richmond Convention Center on June 6-8, 2024. First-time parents of just preschoolers can attend the whole convention FREE! Get info on every imaginable parenting topic from preschool to college. Get a first-hand look at curricula and educational tools from a HUGE selection of exhibitors, visit the Used Curriculum Sale, and much more–all as our guest! Learn more at heav.org/convention/parents-of-preschoolers-attend-free/

First-Time Homeschoolers – 100 Words

Homeschooling, or considering it? Discover FREEDOM at the 41st Annual Virginia Homeschool Convention, June 6-8, 2024. Your fresh start can begin here as you discover how to ignite your child’s creativity and learning! Anyone can come to the FREE How-to-Begin-Homeschooling Workshops on Thursday. Then, you can explore the entire exhibit hall—a homeschool marketplace of curricula, games, displays, samples, videos, and much more—all free! Join a Welcome Tour and get answers to your questions. First-time parents of just preschoolers can attend the entire convention free. heav.org/convention.

150 Words

Discover the FREEDOM you have in homeschooling! The 41st Annual Virginia Homeschool Convention, “Freedom in Homeschooling,” June 6-8, 2024, is an experience like no other. Keynote speakers Ginny Yurich of 1000 Hours Outside and Ruth Chou Simons of Gracelaced head a speaker line-up that will inspire you with topics on every imaginable parenting topic.

Whether you’re looking for ideas for getting started, homeschooling high school, transitioning from public school, practical how-tos, or homeschool vision—you’ll find all of that and more! There is something for everyone—veteran homeschoolers and just-thinking-about-it parents alike.

STEM and media tracks, a College & Career Fair, interactive camps and labs, an all-day Special Needs Conference for parents of children who need extra help, and more all offer unique learning for the whole family! First-time parents of just preschoolers attend free. FREE How-to-Begin-Homeschooling Workshops on Thursday. Join us for a refreshing weekend together with the Virginia homeschool community! heav.org/convention.

100 Words

Homeschooling, or considering it? Set yourself—and your homeschool—free! Get the encouragement, energy, and connection you need at the 41st Annual Virginia Homeschool Convention, “Freedom in Homeschooling,” June 6-8, 2024. Keynote speakers Ginny Yurich of 1000 Hours Outside and Ruth Chou Simons of Gracelaced join a speaker line-up that offers something for everyone—veteran homeschoolers and just-thinking-about-it parents alike. Topics on every imaginable parenting topic, STEM tracks, interactive camps and labs, College & Career Fair, and an all-day Special-Needs Conference offer unique experiential learning for the whole family! First-time parents of just preschoolers attend the entire convention free. FREE How-to-Begin-Homeschooling Workshops on Thursday. heav.org/convention.

50 Words

Homeschooling, or considering it? Discover the FREEDOM you have in homeschooling at the 41st Annual Virginia Homeschool Convention,” June 6-8, 2024.” Keynotes Ginny Yurich of 1000 Hours Outside and Ruth Chou Simons of Gracelaced!  STEM and tracks, interactive camps and labs, College & Career Fair, an all-day Special-Needs Conference, and more! Visit heav.org/convention.


250 Characters (including spaces)

Discover homeschool freedom at the 41st Virginia Homeschool Convention, June 6-8, 2024 25+ speakers and 90+ workshops; STEM programs, Special Needs Conference, College & Career Fair, children and teen programs, and more. Visit heav.org/convention.

More Share Graphics

Choose the graphic you like and download the image, or just copy the code and past into your webpage!

Sidebar Button

Just grab the code below and paste onto your webpage!
<div align="center"><a href="http://heav.org/convention/" target="_blank" title="HEAV"><img src="https://heav.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/HEAV-Homeschool-Logo.png"/></a></div>


HEAV Convention Video

“A Legacy of Freedom” (The video shown at past conventions.)